The Arroyo Arts Collective Presents

What Do You See, What Do You Hear? THE SEQUEL

A Conversation of Music and Motion

Entry Deadline: Midnight, January 31, 2025

Performances: February 22nd & March 1st, 2025

Project Description
The Arroyo Arts Collective (AAC) and Curator Mary Cheung invite artists to participate in What Do You See – What Do You Hear?, a collaboration of dance and musical instrument, set in the beautiful Center For The Arts, Eagle Rock. For this call musicians are asked to interpret their dance partner, while dancers respond and contribute to the music so that each elevates the other’s art.

This call focuses on the spirit of artists and their ability to open themselves up to innovative, creative improvisational collaboration. With each of your energies playing with and shining together to form a connection built through good communication.

Project Parameters
• Selected artists will be paired up and will perform in a duet of 10 – 15 minutes performance piece. Each duet will be comprised of 1 musician and 1 dancer.

• Artists will rotate each week and form a new duet each time, creating new collaborations and new unique performances. No performance will be identical. There are no rehearsals, and every piece will be created live, on the spot and will be original and unique.

• There will be 3 chosen musicians and 3 chosen dancers.

• Each selected artist must be able to commit to 2 weekly weekend performances and 1 meet and greet tech/sound check. There will be an opening and closing celebration. A commitment to a total of 2 live performances and 1 meet and greet is a must.

• Performances will be staggered and scattered throughout the Center, taking you on a unique journey each Saturday for this series.

• Each selected artist will receive $300 honorarium at the end of their commitment.

• 2 artists from the 6 finalists, 1 musician and 1 dancer, will be offered an opportunity to run a workshop for the public at the beginning of the live performances at each event. There will be an additional $50 Honoraria for artists who run the workshops.

• Musicians will be chosen for their pioneering spirit and ability to create music and sound with traditional and (a strong emphasis on) Nontraditional instruments to make sound/music for their dancer collaborator.

• Dancers will be chosen for their ability to Improv, create, story tell and to work with the musician to collaborate and create together.

There will be 1 MUSIC workshop offered free on February 22, 2025 at 11:15 a.m. before the live performances that will run no longer than 30-45 mins.
• “Let’s Make Music!” The selected Artist will lead a community workshop coaching the public to think outside the box when creating music with nontraditional instruments and interesting everyday items.

There will be 1 DANCE workshop offered free on March 1st at 11:15 a.m. before the live performances that will run no longer than 30-45 mins.
• “Movement In Your Environment.” The selected Artist will lead a community workshop coaching the public to dance spontaneously and create without choreography, and find inspiration within the environment and to incorporate that into dance.

There is no entry fee, but any artist chosen to exhibit MUST BE A CURRENT MEMBER OF THE ARROYO ARTS COLLECTIVE. To become a member, visit, click on the JOIN link, and use PayPal.
Or, provide your name, address, email, and phone number, and a check for $25 and mail to The Arroyo Arts Collective, PO Box 50835, York Station, Highland Park CA 90050. Membership dues support this and future programming.

Must be 18+ to submit.

To Submit
Send submissions to:
• Subject line: WDUSWDUH, THE SEQUEL
• Submit a link or video with your sample of work. Any style is accepted. The sample must be no longer than 1 minute. Make sure that any link you send works and if video exceeds the time requirement, please notate the time stamp to start viewing your sample.
MUSICIANS: Submit a sample of your music and write in the submission what instruments you might be using, if any.
DANCERS: Submit a video of your dance style.
• Show us your creativity.
• If interested in being considered to teach a workshop, describe your workshop proposal in 200 words or less.
• Feel free to email with any questions.

Click Here To View Sample Of Last Years’ Event

ENTRY DEADLINE: January 31, 2025
NOTIFIED BY: February 7, 2025

Things To Know
• Musicians must be responsible for bringing and handling their own instruments.
• All artists must be responsible for being performance ready upon arrival.
• The performances should be appropriate for all ages.

Juror and Curator: AAC member Mary Cheung

Location: Center For The Arts Eagle Rock, 2225 Colorado Blvd. L.A., CA 90041

Times and Performance Dates:
• February 16th sound check and meet and greet 10-11:30 p.m.
• February 22nd, (Saturday) 11-1:45 p.m
• March 1st, (Saturday) 11-1:45 p.m

Mary Cheung is an innovative artist and award-winning Costume Designer. Her works contain a strong sense of story and combine multiple visual and performance mediums. She graduated from Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising and has worked as a Designer and Stylist on over 40 films. She is a recipient of the Best Costume Design Award from the NAACP. Movement is very important to Mary and she dances whenever possible.

The Arroyo Arts Collective: Established in 1989 as a community organization of artists, writers and performers who live and work in Northeast Los Angeles, the mission of the Arroyo Arts Collective is to develop and present creative events that educate while fostering an awareness of the artistic vitality which exists in northeast Los Angeles.

The Center For The Arts Eagle Rock: The Center’s mission is to be innovative in providing multidisciplinary, arts-inclusive programming to the diverse communities of northeast Los Angeles… and beyond..

WHAT DO YOU SEE – WHAT DO YOU HEAR?  THE SEQUEL is made possible through the generous support of the Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs and the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, LA County Department of Arts and Culture as part of Creative Recovery LA, an initiative funded by the American Rescue Plan, the California Small Business COVID-19 Relief Grant Program as funded by the State of California and administered by CalOSBA.