New Work by M. A. Olivares
February 25, 2023 – March 25, 2023
Opening Saturday, February 25, 2023 3:00 to 6:00pm
Frequency warfare is the new high ground but can be greater, such as the frequencies of love. Images, colors, and sound are frequencies. We see our love and hear their voice, signals course through our circuitry, driving glands to release hormones. The physics of turning us “off” or “on” is interwoven in a network of sensual ecology. As the luminous aperture inside opens, terra firma dissolves. Lava meets the sea and 10 million pounds of energy thrusts us heavenward. The vacuum of night conjures like a sorcerer and the sun rises. As dark soil can beget wondrous plants, so too can we with any human medium create culture.
Miguel is a Chicano artist and designer who works in Space Control and Space Launch for the US Air Force. This new work is a compilation of mediums that speak to his experience in love and life in the last few years.
Blue Wall Alcove
Mon. -Thu. 2pm – 5pm and Sat.-Sun. 2pm to 5pm
Admission is FREE
Avenue 50 Studio
131 N Avenue 50
Los Angeles, CA 90042
This exhibition is made possible in part through the generous support of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, through the Los Angeles County Arts Commission and by the California Arts Council, a state agency.