Taking the place of the Annual Discovery Tour, now on hiatus, the Arroyo Arts Collective presents the 2018 Discovery Pop Up!
All those same wonderful NELA artists, crafters, and makers you have come to love, under one roof. Paintings, jewelry, works on paper, ceramics, woodcraft, fabric art and so much more. Beautiful art, affordable prices.
The exhibit runs from Saturday, November 10 through Sunday, December 2, 2018.

As a follow up to the event, a poetry reading, and documentary film screening from artist Linda Kaye will take place on Saturday, November 17. The evening will feature Discovery Pop-Up art and goers will enjoy thematic poetry readings, music and the screening of the documentary “Border Poets”.
Featuring Artists:
Fern Bealmear, Kay Brown, Carol Colin, Aleka Corwin, Ruth De Nicola, Jaydee Dizon, Karen Duckles, Edem Elesh, C. Nolan Fansler, Natalie Fratino, Gwen Freeman, Rebeca Guerrero, Betty Wan Hamada, Cidne Hart, Kevin Hass, Sandy Huse, Carolyn James, Kristen Johannesen, Susan Loraine Kromka, Shannon La Baw- O’Sullivan, David Lasky, Patricia Lee, Jane McCabe, Antoinette Miller, Cathi Milligan, Mike Mollett, Beth Peterson, Guadulesa Rivera, Gilly Shaeffer, Barbara Sultan, J. Michael Walker, Todd Westover, Richard Willson, Patricia Woodlin and Madam X.
Where: Avenue 50 Studio
131 N. Avenue 50
Los Angeles, 90042
Reception: Saturday, November 10, 2018
7 – 10pm
Show Dates: November 10 – December 2, 2018
Tuesday – Thursday, and Saturday – Sunday, 10am – 4pm